Introduction: who are we?

We are an independent local society. Our purpose is "to enable people to meet together to learn about natural history in general (and that of the locality in particular) in a friendly atmosphere." Originally founded in 1919, the Society was revived in 1951, and has met regularly ever since.
- We aren't a 'learned' society.
- You don't have to be an expert on natural history to join.
- Nor do you have to live in Sutton Coldfield.
In the summer of 2014, the Society merged with the Sutton Coldfield Area Group of the . All Warwickshire Wildlife Trust members are particularly welcome to meetings, whether as visitors or as members.
Activities: what do we do?
Visitors are very welcome at any of our activities. A small visitor's fee is charged for indoor meetings.
A detailed programme of activities is produced twice a year.
- Indoor Meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of each month from September to May, excluding January. See Meeting Place for directions.
Meetings consist of a talk on some aspect of natural history by a knowledgeable speaker, either an invited expert or a member. Most talks are illustrated, and sometimes include specimens or recordings. All talks are very much aimed at the amateur naturalist, since even those members of the Society who know quite a lot about one subject may know very little about another.
- Outdoor Meetings are held in most months in spring and autumn.

Meetings usually start at 2 pm for an afternoon ramble or at 11 am for a morning or all-day visit. As from September 2022, outdoor meetings will alternate between the Saturday and the Tuesday following the indoor meeting. Distances covered vary, but would rarely exceed 3 miles. Outdoor meetings are often planned to end with afternoon tea. All outdoor meetings are within reasonable car distance of Sutton Coldfield; lifts can be arranged for those without their own transport.
See the Photo Galleries page for some photographs taken at outdoor meetings. Making records and passing them on to others is an important part of the Society's activities. See this example and the Recent Reports and Records page for reports of outdoor meetings.